tag yg panjang mendera otak

dear ielamorry,
your tag done!!

Sleep with or without clothes on?
without clothes? euuwwww.. sexy! eh.. mestila pakai baju.

Prefer black or blue pens?
tgk mood.. usually i'll choose black for exam.

Dress up on Halloween?
nak comel cam casper.. ehehehe..

Like to travel?
semestinya!! perkara kedua akan oshinz buat kalo ade banyak duit.. ihiks.. bile nak ade byk duit tu kite tak taola kan..

Like Someone?
yups.. like n love him very much!

Do they know?
semestinya!! ops.. correction! not them but him.. only him!

Who sleeps with you every night?
my mom and bibik.. kdg2 tu alone. it depends la..

Think you're attractive?
definitely nope..

Want to get married?
yeap.. kalo bley as soon as possible! amboi gedix.. naseb baik blom bleh lg. =p

mr husband-to-be..

Are you a good student?
average student bleh tak? not so good.. and not so bad.. but a little bit naughty.

Are you currently happy?
yeap.. i'm happy and really appreciate it!

Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on?
emm.. nobody perfect in this world.

hospital.. dan kena stay dalam kotak utk baby yang terlahir cepat tu.. ape name benda tu ntah. lupe plak!

Christmas or Halloween?
hari raya aidilfitri.. ni lg best daripada perayaan kat atas tu. time ni buat baju raya berbundle2pun takde sape nak marah.. kihkihkih.

Colored or black-and-white photo?
colored photo.. menghargai setiap warna yg mewarnai alam ini. ahaks~

Do long distance relationships work?
yeap.. pernah alaminya dulu pastu short distance jap mase study and now long distance blek. jauh di mata dekat di hati dan hampir di telinga..

Do you believe in astrology?
nope.. believe in GOD only. ape pun takdirnya perlu terima dengan redha..

Do you believe in love at first sight?
not really but ade je org jatuh cinta camtu dan kekal..

Do you consider yourself the life of the party?
ape kes party2 nih? tak main la weh.. idup mesti ade matlamat kalo tak useless..

Do you drink?
no and never forever..

Do you make fun of people?
suke buli nieces and nephews.. tapi sgt syg mereka..

Do you think dreams eventually come true?
dream bley jd impian dan mimpi.. kalo impian tu bergantung pada usaha. kalo mimpi jd kenyataan tu mcm dejavu je. emm ntahla.. no comment!

Favorite fictional character?
spiderman.. robot transformers.. =)

Go to the movies or rent?

Have you ever moved?
pindah jap menginap di kolej then pindah blek umah.. eh bleh ke jwpn ni?

Have you ever stolen anything?
ishk.. curi ape ek? sy budak baik mane ade curi ape2.. curi2 ponteng class bleh tak? yg tu slalu je buat bile lecturer tak bleh blah.. my bad!

How's the weather right now?
sejuk coz arini ujan lebat.. syiok oh tido malam ni.

Last time you cut your hair?
if i'm not mistaken.. last week kot! potong bahagian depan je.

Last person you talked to on the phone?
my chenta hati.. kaco die tido. i like!

Last time you showered?
baru je jap tadi..

Loud or soft music?
depends on my mood.. i love music very much!

Mcdonalds or Burger King?

Night or day?
both.. coz i have different activities for both time..

Number of pillows?
satu dua tiga empat.. tapi yg compulsory only two. satu untuk letak kepala n satu lg bantal busuk.

Piano or guitar?
both! *ye sy tau saye tamak.. tak yah gitau* the fact of the matter is, dua2 instruments ni tak reti pun maen. hihihi.. ade sesape ke mao ajar sy secare percume?

Future job?
blom pikir lg. i have no idea about this.

Current job?
me unemployed.. *sobbing* nape ade soalan camni ni?

Current love?
mr muhammad taufik b kamarolzaman..
e'eh terbagi name penuh plak.

Current longing?
cheese cake.. *sigh*

Current disappointment?
nothing at this moment..

Current annoyance?

Last thing you ate?
nasi lauk kicap.. hahaha.. okeh tipu je. menu arini tak bestla. malas mao crite.

Last thing you bought?
milo, biskut marie ngan buttercup..

Most recent thing you are looking forward to?
part time job.. nape takde sape nak employ oshinz nih? weh, sy pekerja yg rajinla..

What are you hearing right now?
bunyi kipas pusing2..

Plans for the weekend?
duduk je kat umah.. tgk tv. cerekarama cambest je minggu ni.

What did you do today?
bangun pagi gosok gigi.. lalalala~ okeh takde ape yg penting. cume td pagi klua jap amik nephew then blek meredah hujan.. petang pas bangun tido g carrefour mengurat. ehehehe.. takdela..

Pick a lyric, any lyric or song?
tak mengenal waktu
tak mengenal puitis
hanya tulusnya hati
tak mengenal ragu
keyakinan hatiku
hanya untuk dirimu selalu

*ketulusan hati-anuar zain*

Pick a movie quote?
"cinta hanya untuk yang ikhlas mencintai,
bukan untuk dipersendakan"

seterusnya kita tengok siapa yang kena...
  1. mr toofeak
  2. misz syafawani
  3. misz zack
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fezaL Mohd said...

mmg panjang haha

.gaDis. said...

w erkkk.....
nk bace pun skip2 jer...

SoLiD MuTiArA TECH said...

huhu klu xnk buat leh x.. =)

cam panjang sgt jew.. tlg buat kan blh x heheh =))

Cik Ateen said...

kalo sya mmg mls ckit nk wat tag ni..

oshinz said...

yups berjela2..
soalan exam pun tak pjg camni.

mehla skipping together!!
majula sukan untuk negara..

hep hep..
tak kire.. kena gak wat.
esemen dr oshinz nih!

ye sbb tu tak bagi kat kamu..