
his 24th birthday

dear mr. taufik,
today is your 24th birthday babe,
hope success & happiness will be yours forever and always..

kiss & hug from me;
love u always!!

p/s: bro, dah tibe mase kumpul duit untuk mase depan eh.
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Anonymous said...

haha. i pun kerah chenta hati kumpul duet utk masa depan!

| CikMatahari | said...

happy besday to topek cayangggg!!
so bro, sila amik serius dgn point yg last skali tu ye..

psst.. habis la start ptg ni topek tak makan nak kumpul duit punya pasal.. hahaha

intanurulfateha said...

.kumpul duet lebey sket ;p

.btw, hepi besdae to taufik ^^

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

mr taufik..happy birthday sweet 24..take good care of my fren ya..and dun forget bout her last line in her posting ok..hehehhe

[z@ck] said...

haa..kahwin nnt jgn lupa jmput aku naa

enyheartsdiamond said...

happy belated bday to him :)

oshinz said...

Fifi Rahmat:
umor camni mesti da automatik pk pasal mase depan. macam nenek btulla. haha.

| A N A K A H M A D |:
hahaha.. time ni ah nak dera die kan?

ops ops ops.. akak?! kan dah terlebiu kat sini. ihihi.

intanurulfateha (◡‿◡✿):
tak cukop tabung ayam, tin biskut pun bleh masuk kan?

yeap mr taufik, be aware darling.

kihkihkih. serius ke ko nak datang?

thanks eny..