
Tag agaiN..

Tag dikirim oleh mr. t00feak

Answer the Tag..

fill the name list first
make it random it's more good
then, answer the question


How do you know 1?
die ni coursemate oshinz.. mase minggu orientasi kenal muke je. tapi selalu satu tutorial.. asal tutorial je mesti nampak muke die.. asal nampak die je tutorial..

What would you do if you never met 2?
tak tau wat pe tp oshinz akan rase kerugian coz die makhluk Tuhan yang best!!

What would you do if 3 & 4 dated you?
seharusnye melepak.. update psl segale hal! nak tau ke? ia adalah rahsie.. gugurl storiesla.

Would 5 & 6 make a good couple?
ops.. maaf ye. mereka bukan lesbian!! mereka tidak mengenali satu same laen.. so mereka tidak bersalah..

Do you think 7 is attractive?
absolutely.. bisa membuatkan oshinz tidak lena tido..

Do you know anything about 8’s family?
ishk tak taula plak.. happy family kot..

Tell me something about 9?
die akan bertukar gelaran kepada CIK PUAN CHIKA dlm mase 4 hari.. so skrg die tgh dag dig dug..

What language does 2 speak?
english, malay and sometimes with kedahan dialect.

Who is 3 going out with?
slalu ngedate dgn mr. syfx.. tapi mereka bukan berpacaran ye.

How old is 4?
22 years old!

How about 5?
she's talkative.. hehe. friendly! orang pahang nih..

Who is 6 favorite singer?
klu tak silap minah ni layan rock. so i think ella..

How about no 7?
he's my mister.. mayb satu ari nnt (dgn izin Tuhan) oshinz akan menjadi mrs toofeak.
*erk.. terberanganla pulok*
-doakan kami ye-

Is 8 single?
die telah disambar oleh seorg jejaka.. namenye.. emm.. suhaila, ape name pakwe kamu? sila jawab sblm amik tag ni.. hehehe.

What is 9 last name?
la.. last name je ke? nampaknye ayah chika akan glamour di sini.. name ayah die ialah zainodin..

Would you consider being in a relationship with 1?
kami kawan la.. sampai bebile. mane boley being in a relationship.. dpt dose kang.

What are you talking about?
hehehe.. tak cakap pape pun la cume tengah menaip jawab tag ni..

Which school does 2 go to?
alamak.. terlupe sudah!!

What do you like about 4?
she's notty girl.. warm-hearted n slumber ya ya..

I tag all 10 people in the list!
Go go go!!!

*nape takde soalan utk org no 10? sangat kasihan loh.. ~oshinz~*

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Mel said...

haha nasib baik tkde soklan utk no 10. kalu tidak mesti tk tau nk jwb ape kan..? :-)

oshinz said...

tapi kesian taw.
baru ingat nak memfofularkan lg arianna.
tp tak dapek la pulok..