
all my life

lately, my life is really in hectic mood!!
nak bebel pjg2 dlm ni pun tiada kesempatan
pity me..

oshinz singgah gak blog jap untuk post song lyric..
dan entri ini adelah
+entri khas untuk cinta hati oshinz+
lagu ni old song but i like it very much.
for me lagu ni ade sentimental value..
lirik lagu ni adalah sangatttt..
emm i dunno how to describe la!!

oleh kerana
oshinz adelah sgt lembap dlm bab bebunge cinta ni
sgt blur bile mao berjiwang karat
tetibe mao en. pakwe tau something
so dedicate lyric pun ok kan?
to my dear en. pakwe
i would like to dedicate this lyric to u
~nak nyanyi suare adelah yg amat hancus..
check it out ya!!

I will never find another lover
Sweeter than you
Sweetre than you
And I will never find another lover
More precious than you
More precious than you

You are
Close to me
You're like my mother
Close to me
You're like my father
Close to me
You're like my sister
Close to me
You're like my brother
You are the only one my everything
And for you this song I sing

All my life
I prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that i,
That I finally found you
All my life
I prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

I said you're all that I'm thinking of

Said, I promise to never fall in love with a stranger
You're all I'm thinking of
I praise the Lord above
For sending me your love
I cherish every hug
I really love you

And all my life
I prayed for someone like you
And I thank God that I
That i finally found you
All my life
I prayed for someone like you
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

You're all that I ever know
When you smile on my face, all i see is a glow
You turned my life around
You picked me up when I was down
You're all that I ever known
When you smile on my face, all i see is a glow
You picked me up when I was down
And I hope that you feel the same way too
Yes, I pray that you do love me too

~:: L0t5 0f Lurv3 ::~

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nice song....


♥Yanie Putrajaya♥

oshinz said...

hehe.. nice kan?
kena la nice kak yani coz nak dedicate kat en. pakwe..
special la kununnye..