
little things

your hand fits in mine . like it's made just for me . but bear this in mind . it was meant to be . and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks . and it all makes sense to me .

i know you've never loved . the crinkles by your eyes . when you smile . you've never loved . your stomach or your thighs . the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine . but i'll love them endlessly . 

i won't let these little things slip out of my mouth . but if i do . it's you . oh, it's you they add up to . i'm in love with you . and all these little things . 

you can't go to bed without a cup of tea . and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep . and all those conversations are the secrets that i keep . though it makes no sense to me . 

i know you've never loved . the sound of your voice on tape . you never want . to know how much you weigh . you still have to squeeze into your jeans . but you're perfect to me . 

i won't let these little things slip out of my mouth . but if it's true . it's you . it's you they add up to . i'm in love with you . and all these little things . 

you'll never love yourself half as much as i love you . you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but i want you to . if i let you know I'm here for you . maybe you'll love yourself like i love you, oh . 

and i've just let these little things slip out of my mouth . 'cause it's you . oh, it's you . it's you they add up to . and i'm in love with you . and all these little things . 

i won't let these little things slip out of my mouth . but if it's true . it's you . it's you they add up to . i'm in love with you . and all your little things .
kepada yang bekerja hari ini, enjoy lagu ni dulu.
jangan tensi-tensi ya. esokkan cuti.. take care guys~
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cha said...

tgh stress la ni kene keje huhu

Ainee Cumi said...

I suka lagu ni

.::WaNiE::. said...

happy new year !

harini keje, tapi tak tension sbb sume bos cuti hahaha

4feet8 said...

yeah.. kerja rini.
esok lusa cuti hantar adik masuk blaja.. hehe..

Nursaila Norman said...

walaupun tensi dgn kerja,tapi tetap bermain2 tanpa mempedulikan kerja..suka hati je kan..huhu..

happy new year oshinz!

Liyaa Mf said...

Bestnya kalau ada org yg sudi men gitar & nyanyikan lagu ni untuk kita kan Oshinz? Memang caer habes la jawabnya. Hahaha!