
earth hour


mari kita sama-sama buat sesuatu yang mengagumkan untuk alam sekitar.
31 March 2012
8.30 pm - 9.30 pm
no laptop, no fan, no light, no television.
free yourself from the electrical sources.
get involve by having candle light dinner with your love one.
it will be oh so romantic, isn't it?

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looking forward to watch this movie in April.
liam neeson & rihanna in the house yaw!
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terima kasih atas pinjaman yang satu ini ya Allah.
i do not pretend to know what love is for everyone, but i can tell you what it is for me;
LOVE is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with him more than any other person, LOVE is trusting him enough to tell him everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, LOVE is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when he walk into a room and smile at you.
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you're never gonna ever take away from me

part of me!!

days like this i want to drive away . pack my bags and watch your shadow fade . you chewed me up and spit me out like i was poison in your mouth . you took my light . you drained me down . that was then and this is now . now look at me . 

this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . throw your sticks and stones . throw your bombs and your blows . but you're not gonna break my soul . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no. 

i just wanna throw my phone away . find out who is really there for me . 'cause you ripped me off, your love was cheap . was always tearing at the seams . i fell deep and you let me drown . but that was then and this is now . now look at me . 

this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . throw your sticks and stones . throw your bombs and your blows . but you're not gonna break my soul . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no .

now look at me, i'm sparkling . a firework, a dancing flame . you won't ever put me out again i'm glowing, oh woah oh . so you can keep the diamond ring . it don't mean nothing anyway . in fact you can keep everything . yeah, yeah . except for me .

this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no (away from me) . throw your sticks and stones . throw your bombs and your blows . but you're not gonna break my soul . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . this is the part of me, no, (away from me) . this is the part of me, me, me, me, me, me, no . throw your sticks and stones . throw your bombs and your blows . but you're not gonna break my soul . this is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no . [katy perry]
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awal menangis kot?!!!
alololo.. how sweet they are.
nampak scha dimanjakan awal kan?
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a woman like you

hey man, please dedicate this song to your soulmate.
make her grin from ear to ear..

a woman like you by lee brice

last night, outta the blue . driftin' off to the evening news . you said "honey, what would you do, if you'd never met me?" i just laughed, said "i don't know, but i could take a couple guesses though." and then tried to dig real deep . said, "darling honestly...

"i'd do a lot more offshore fishin' . i'd probably eat more drive-thru chicken . take a few strokes off my golf game . if i'd have never known your name . i'd still be driving that old green 'nova . i probably never would have heard of yoga . be a better football fan . but if i was a single man . alone and out there on the loose . well i'd be looking for a woman like you."

i could tell that got her attention . so i said, "oh yeah, i forgot to mention, i wouldn't trade a single day, for 100 years the other way." she just smiled and rolled her eyes . cause she's heard all of my lines . i said, "c'mon girl, seriously if i hadn't been so lucky...

"i'd be shootin' pool in my bachelor pad . playing bass in my cover band . restocking up cold Bud Light . for poker every Tuesday night yeah . i'd have a dirtbike in the shed . and not one throw pillow on the bed . i'd keep my cash in a coffee can . but if i was a single man . alone and out there on the loose . well i'd be looking for a woman like you."

she knows what a mess i'd be . if i didn't have her here . but to be sure, i whispered in her ear "you know i get sick deep-sea fishin' . and you make the best fried chicken . i got a hopeless golf game . i love the sound of your name . i might miss that old green 'nova . but i love watchin' you do yoga . i'd take a gold band on my hand . over being a single man . cause honestly i don't know what i'd do . if i'd never met a woman like you."
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ombre wedding

ini renteten entri semalam.. semalam tu konon-konon macam teaser lah ya. ihiks. okeh, let me make you guys clear of what ombre wedding is all about. #clear throat.
definition of ombre:
a French term meaning "shaded" usually a multicolored stripe, with colors graduating from light to dark. [source]

dalam bahasa melayu lebih kurang maksudnya adalah tona warna.
antara idea untuk ombre wedding adalah:

wedding invitation. agaga~
suka bentuk pinggan tu.

rose petals as deco

candy buffet backdrop

essential! wedding cake lah.
kemas kan?

lovey-dovey version.


nice combination!

tengoklah garpu, sudu, pisau dia..

awesome kan? awesome kan?!!

untuk tambah idea, please visit these websites:
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rabu eh?

jaw drops!
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hariz&team wedding services

have you ever heard about this wedding team?

jawapan anda mungkin begini: 

"oh pernah! mestilah kenal.. blablablabla." atau "emm.. macam pernah dengar tapi tak ambil port sangat." atau "hah.. what? i don't know about them at all." *heh.. kena speaking untuk jawapan yang lebih poyo. sila menyampah*  

kepada sesiapa yang mahu berkahwin, tapi berangan mahu tempah baju yang begitu begini, tapi tiada enough budget untuk upah designer ternama, tapi hati tetap mahu pakai baju at least stunning macam Bella Swan's wedding dress. maka pilihan yang terbaik adalah.. ehem! berkenalan dengan wedding team ini yawww.. mr. hariz zakwan, who is the leader of this team, is very attentive and warm-hearted person. ini serius tak tipu. 

antara services yang team ni tawarkan adalah seperti:

gubahan hantaran

designer's dress custom made

sekali lagi.. dress custom made. harga upah sangat berpatutan.

wedding dress lagi.. hehehe. muslimah style.

hand bouquet yang segedabak besar dan custom made veil.

haih.. suka part gantung-gantung tu.

harga yang ditawarkan bagi setiap service adalah mampu milik. InsyaAllah..
harap-harap harga ini dikekalkan sampai bila-bila. hihihi.

bakal pengantin 2013, sila booking slot anda sekarang.
terjah sini untuk maklumat lanjut.
selamat berkahwin uols!

ok bai..
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atas ketentuan Allah

haih.. dua kali play baru faham keseluruhan apa ustaz idrus ni cakap.
kali kedua play baru faham kenapa ada part orang gelak tu.
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lesson . love . life
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secara dasarnya, satu perkara terpenting diantara banyak perkara yang penting dalam hubungan cinta teruna dan dara adalah kompromi. orang putih kata: give and take. orang tua-tua kata: bertolak ansur. pendek kata: bersepakat. kalau tidak sepakat, pasti susah di kemudian hari. kuasai ilmu ini sampai lali. supaya sesalan itu tidak pernah singgah di hati walau pun sekali.

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rasa sangat awkward bila terpaksa say NO kepada mereka yang sangat NICE.
i am so sorry.. =.|
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ar tu de ow tu de e

ingat lagi si cantik kak roe punya gambar dalam post ministryof moment tempoh hari?
hari ini saya mahu bercerita pasal kakak cantik ini lagi..
bukan nak cerita banyak pun. cuma nak share tentang belog beliau.

click picture to go to her blog.

kak roe ni pemurah hati dan penulis yang sangat best.
hampir setiap entri yang dia tulis tu buat saya gelak sorang-sorang.
that's why i am addicted to read her blog.
baru-baru ni, setiap hari rabu kak roe akan tulis about tazkirah.
dua entri yang lepas, beliau tulis pasal kisah nabi.
kalau mahu kutip pengetahuan itu, sila baca dekat belog kak roe.
ok bai!
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release tension bila tengok dua movies ini. believe me!

can't wait for this: the avengers [27th April 2012].
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lep lep di udara




gulagula dan cerminmata:

tangan & matahari:

bersedia untuk beraksi di depan kamera.

sumber: link
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yes TSAR. bukan typo nak eja STAR. but it is really TSAR.

kat TSAR ni ade bags & shoes.
dan available items adalah seperti kat bawah ni:

paling heart yang ini:

kalau dapat sambar dan jadikan ini sebagai wedding shoes memang melatops!


kalau ada fulus, terjah aja sini dong. limited edition!
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dari Abu Dzar, dari Nabi Shallallahu 'Alaihi wa Sallam, beliau bersabda:
"Pada pagi hari setiap tulang (persendian) dari kalian akan dihitung sebagai sedekah. Maka setiap tasbih adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (Alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (Laa Ilaha Illallah)adalah sedekah, setiap takbir (Allahu Akbar) adalah sedekah, memerintahkan kebaikan (amar ma’ruf) dan melarang dari berbuat kemungkaran (nahi mungkar) adalah sedekah. Semua itu cukup dengan dua rakaat yang dilaksanakan di waktu Dhuha."
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#8: lesson learned

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