

terima kasih atas pinjaman yang satu ini ya Allah.
i do not pretend to know what love is for everyone, but i can tell you what it is for me;
LOVE is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with him more than any other person, LOVE is trusting him enough to tell him everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, LOVE is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when he walk into a room and smile at you.
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miss shera said...

semoga berbahagia selalu hingga ke syurga ;)

ema said...

semoga kekal bahagia babe :)

::aien:: said...

semoga kekal :)

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

holloh holloh hollohh!
semoga sampai ke infiniti :)

Cik Yanie (",) said...

tahniah sis
semoga happy selalu okeh =)

Huda Luna said...

happy anniversary sayanggggg!
hehe kalau cerita lama masih wujud huda skrg 7thn. tp abaikan cerita sekarang lebih best dr yg duluu.

btw semoga bahagia selalu happy selalu n permudahkan urusan oshinz. aminn

cik helena said...

8tahun!wow wow wow tahniah oshin!

semoga kekal hingga nyawa terkahir :')