
Ministry of Moment

kepada sesiapa yang belum tahu..
meh sini rapat-rapat.
sebab Ministry of Moment tengah buat special offer guys~

some of their artworks:

pengantin baru: ana raffali

kasut ana raffali. oh glitters!

ana raffali: pembawa dulang.


si cantik kak roe & her sweet husband


Ministry of Moment ni merupakan official photographer untuk:
Umie Aida's wedding

and at this moment, they are offering you something special like this:
[rm1388 per event] [free upgrade album] [no outstation fees]
*open for booking until 29 FEB 2012. available for 2012 & 2013 newlyweds*
contact details:
email: inquiry@ministryofmoment.com
tel: 03-91710707
text: 0163509215

sumber dan info lanjut: ministryofmoment
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Anonymous said...

ana rafali yg sngt cantik :)

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

eh kak roe very the chomel! heee
teringin nak cantik2 mcm tu jugak la!

*ok nak mimpi di shoot oleh photographer ministry of moment ni skangggg..zzzzz!

Syuhada Nasya said...

cntik lah semua nya ... likee

Unknown said...

wahhh...umi aida tu lawa eh...setailo la baju dier...heehee

Unknown said...

Ministry of Moment ni memang banyak ambil gambar retis waktu kahwin... Semua cantik-cantik. Nak hire dorang je macam mampu tak mampu. Kehkehkeh

Charlie said...

OMG OMG OMG Love the glitter heels <3