
chomel tahu tak?

zarith (ira era fm) & shazril love story
mereka ni dah kahwin 10 disember 2011 aritu.
ni video save the date nya. comel kan??!!!

lagu zee avi: The Book of Morris Johnson
The turtle moves slowly and is happy with his pace of life,
The flamingo walks with elegant grace -- she knows she's one of a kind.

If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel..

The happy crab danced on the beach to a calypso beat,
The happy marlin jumps for the pure joy of being alive.

If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel..

The gator grinned as he dreamed of his next meal,
Every good fisherman has a pelican watching over him .

If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
If you can't stop, at least smile as you go by,
Sometimes, you just gotta know how to feel..
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nasha sanza said...

memang comel..hehe..

eliana said...

iraaa!! ok,ini serious mmg comey! hehehe.. cinta since skolah.. sweet nyaaa...hehe :)

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

video ni laaaa yg diulang ulang ulang ulang ulang oleh oshinz tu kan kan..hahaha =)

Cik Amni said...

6 month until the day.. ehemmmmmmmmm........=p

oshinz said...

nasha sanza:
tidak dinafikan! hehe. couple yang cute sangaaaattttt. =)

haih tak boleh nak jadi secomel ini sebab masa sekolah tak jumpa cinta sejati. eh?

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥:
hikhikhikhik.. sila pasrah dan redha je la u. kite kan geng..

just counting je amni.. nak pergi holiday katanya. =)

Cik Yanie (",) said...

betul-betul2 chomel!

Ainee Cumi said...

Comel sangat! I pun suka sangat sangat sangat

mimieux said...

comey sangatttttt...jeles tol