
tiptoes to royale chulan

aritu at previous entry, oshinz ade story yg oshinz lepak kat royale chulan kan.. do you still remember? so today i would like to share certain pictures so that you get the idea about how was that hotel looks alike.. *haha.. baru sekarang nak kecoh letak story yang da lapuk..* sorry update picture lambat-macam-siput-tapi-siput-lagi-laju since baru ade mase utk transfer pictures from camera to lappy. hectic tau!

actually, ade keje kat sini. some of them buat module, lecturers buat editing and tulis chapters dalam buku, wani and oshinz wat profiling respondents and so on. kami stay sini 3D2N and time ni mmg cukup makan.. serious!! haha.. breakfast suda tentu.. after dat 10.30 mkn lagi. then lunch pukul 1. next, hi-tea tapi i melantak mcm utk dinner.. then malam merayap cari makanan lagik.. fuh kesian perut proses makanan non-stop. tapi ape2 hal mmg two thumbs up kat makanan die. majority marvelous!! yumm yumm yummmyyyyy..

pastu nak tambah lagi two thumbs up kat environment hotel ni. konsep kat sini ade ciri2 tradisional melayu dari segi ukiran, name, background music kat cafe and whatnot.. maybe sebab beside kompleks kraf kot.. tu psl ade penekanan tersebut. it just my assumption. dan yang paling penting ialah hampir kesemua kakitangan kat bleh dikategorikan sebagai mesra sbb murah senyuman.. *thumbs up*  daripada akak vakum habuk sampai la ke manager. sennnyyyyuuummm memanjanggggggg!! *tak penat kot..*

cume kat sini kalo nak gune internet or wireless kena purchase. no money no internet access.

that's all for now... [",]
[meeting room]


[ladies room]

[lepaking area]

[event decoration]






to get further information about Royale Chulan Hotel please click here
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