
take my heart

You can take my heart for a walk on the beach
You can take my heart for a little trip
You can take my heart very close to your heart
You can take my heart forever if you like

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

If I take your heart, I will cherish it every day
If I take your heart, I will heal these old wounds
If I take your heart, it's to make it happy
If I take your heart, it's forever close to mine

But not every heart belongs to any other
You and I
You and I are meant to be
I'm the one for you, You're the one for me
You love me as much as I do
When you look at me and we're skin to skin
I want you so
Please come in
And you love me more and more
And my love grows up with you
And you kiss me more and more
And I kiss you, too
And I kiss you, too

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return

I don't care, I don't care
If I'm again carried away
If you swear, if you swear
To give me your heart in return
To give me your heart in return
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life & love..

Life is a maze and love is a riddle

i think it is true since..
hari ini oshinz sedar kehidupan time secondary school dolu-dolu agak chaotic.
bercelaru.. tak tersusun.
tak pernah plan ape-ape pun.
maklum la. time tu immature.
masih tahap bodoh bodoh jek lagi.
nakal tu tak yah crite ah.
malu kot bile flashback sorang-sorang. 

but sometimes..
bile da plan baek punye..
still tak leh nak go on.
rase macam susah..
time tu memang rase macam
berserabut je fikir tentang
life yang sentiasa diuji.

when it comes to love..
maybe semalam kite yakin betul dengan keputusan kite.
untuk hidup dengan die forever.
tapi mungkin arini kite akan rase hesitate untuk teruskan
sebab tibe-tibe seperti conscious
yang die bukan seperti yang kite kenal kelmarin..
  dan lusa kite seperti mau lari dari die..
leave him and tunggu saja future love itu datang
eh tapi tulat..
ati seperti rindu padanya.
terkenang dalam sedar..
termimpi bila lena..

 sebab tu
LENKA sebut
love is a riddle!!

[the show]

this video is so cute..

[through my window]

Don’t want much, I just want everything
Thought that I could, do almost anything
One step in front of the other
Thought that I could do it alone

In the blink of an eye, it’s just another day
Telling me why, I’ll find another way
Got this feeling, got me reeling
I can almost start believing

Now there’s me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there’s
More than you and more than me
Me and you
And we are not alone
Different view
We are together now
Through my window, I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real

I see a spark, it starts a fire
Is this the one worth waiting for?
Thought that I could do it without you
Can’t exist like this anymore

Now there’s me and you
And we are not alone
You and me
We are together now
Through my window, I can see there’s
More than you and more than me

Now there’s me and you, you and me
We are not alone and we are together
Through my window I can see
Our wildest dreams could be so real

this ads is sooo sswwweeettt!!
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[sticky post] buatpe nak bercinta dgn orang miskin kalau boleh bercinta dgn orang kaya

wah.. statement snobbish berani mati sungguh tuh! haha.. en. pakwe kate tu ayat fasha sandha. hah?! btol ke? mmg btul minah tu ternyata materialistik.. *woppssiiieee.. sorry fasha's fan.. i admit that she's sometimes looks quite beautiful but she's mostly materialistic..* tapi nape macam tak tau pun statement tu statement yang klua daripada mulut die.. *hah.. okeh oshinz. awk ketinggalan zaman! sila blah sekarang* tak kesahla statement tu klua daripada mane kerana ape yang penting sekarang ni.. mari same-same bayangkan kalo anda wahai perempuan seantero malaysia dapat kawen dengan orang kaya. *hohoho.. mesti best kalo dapat kawen dengan orang kaye* bayangkan je eh.. jgn stubborn. dan seterusnye.. please answer the following survey. satu soalan je pun.. hehe.. sayang kamu!

ha.. yang lelaki tu jgn tak vote lak.. tak reti2 ke bayangkan satu hari nnt anda jadi jutawan. emm.. time tu anda nak isteri duduk rumah je ke or tak kesah pun die kerja..

tq my dear readers..
oshinz akan kate anda sangat bagoooossssss jika anda justify nape anda pilih jawapan tuh..
sharing is caring!!

poll has been removed and the result is:
majoriti iaitu sebanyak 77% readers bersetuju bahawa kite kena ade kerjaya sendiri even da dapat kawen dengan orang kaye dan hanye 22% je yang setuju tak yah keje lagi da...
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rm1.60 punye cerita..

kerana delivery pizza hut yang tercicir breadstick rm 1.60, dinner oshinz n the geng huru hara.. hehehe.

al-kisahnye arini perut tetibe rase cam nak makan fast food.. memandangkan bajet masih lagi mencukupi since aritu bos ade bagi elaun skit sebab keje lebih mase sabtu ahad [saaayyyyyaaannngggg bos!!] maka "jom kawan-kawan.. mlm ni kite makan McDonald okeh.." sambil terase touching habes ah sebab ade member bleh teman makan sekali together2 gemukkan badan.

tapi.. hampeh..  hampeh dan hampeh lagi..

operator tu cakap "maaf cik.. tiada penghantaran di dalam kawasan UKM"

wwwwhhhhaaaaatttttttttttttttt?!!! *frust woh.. da semangat sangat kot nak makan sebab tak sempat sampai bilik da buat order.. hahaha.*

immediately tros terfikir.. emm pizza pun okeh la. tak kire.. nak gak makan fast food untuk recharge energy berjalan kaki 30 minit blek dari keje ni. *kekunun je ni cipta baek punye alasan..*

ordering process berjalan lancar.. thai sea food pizza + breadstick + pepsi cans + garlic bread + chicken wings + coleslaw = yes yes yess.. misz wani done the ordering process!! *wani.. thanks ya!*

sampai je bilik.. tros tunggu. tak sempat mandi ke.. salin baju ke hape.. kat kepale da terbayang malam ni mesti dapat tido lebih lena sebab dapat makan pizza.. haha.. tapi encik delivery tak punctual pun.  da lepas kitorang call operator pizza tu blek, baru la nampak bayang moto pizza.. pinpinpinnn!! delivery sampai.. howyeeaaahh2.. *clap gumbira* encik delivery lambat sebab klua lambat dan salah blok. orang bagi alamat blok 15.. tapi die gi blok 5. ape kes ntah.. dah la salah anta pizza. orang nak thai sea food. die bagi hawaiian chicken. cili sos takde. breadstick pun tak nampak bayang. adoiyai.. memang nak kena btul ni.. nak belasah encik delivery tu pun tak leh sebab die da blah.. camno nak buek ni?!

ha.. takpe2. kite call operator blek. tanye mane sos n breadstick kite ni.

pertanyaan done!! masalah dalam proses penyelesaian.

sementara menunggu.. kami grab chicken wing sorang satu. grab lagi garlic bread sorang dua. makan coleslaw half. makan pizza slow2.. sebab mase da makan tu baru perasan.. "eh.. ini bukan pizza yang kite pesan ah.." T_____T nak benti makan tapi perot lapo... sobsobsob.. "kite ngap je la ye kawan2.."  

tik... tok.. tik... tok...

ishk.. hidangan da licin. tapi breadstick???!! senyappp jee.. moto pakcik ni pancit ke hape. mane ni.. mane ni.. time tu memang laju je la call operator pizza:

operator: ye cik.. ade sebarang masalah?
oshinz: ye memang pun.
operator: oh.. okay. berkenaan ape ye?
oshinz: saye punye order tadi tak lengkapla. first: pizza saye salah. saye order thai sea food tapi yang ade ni hawaiian chicken. kedua: breadstick takde. ketiga: 10 sos cili yang tercicir tengah jalan sebab ada dinyatakan dalam resit ni tapi sebenarnye takde.
operator: okeh cik. aduan diterima. pizza salah, breadstick takde dan sos cili tercicir. hihi.. nnt sy akan rujuk perkara ni ke ofis ya.. tq. tuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttttttttttt....

dan selepas satu lagi sesi pertanyaan pihak pizza terhadap kesilapan pengambilan order *mereka salah dengar* serta lagi satu sesi pertanyaan mane-breadstick-saye-tak-sampai-lagi-ni. encik delivery yang same tadi sampai membawa.. breadstick dan mushroom soup!! kali ni tak tau la die salah anta order ke ape.. sebab dalam ordering list tu memang takde perkataan "mushroom soup" pun. kami tak kesah. yang penting breadstick tu ade. ini bukan pasal hal mengidam atau akan kempunan bile tak dapat makan breadstick tu. setakat harge rm1.60 untuk beli satu air tin pun lepas-so takde hal la kalo nak diabaikan je pasal breadstick tu. entri ini wujud sebab nak ingatkan diri sendiri supaye laen kali jangan careless. ape2 pun pas ni kena check dulu.. dan encik delivery tu sepatutnye double check untuk customers.

haha.. sorry la geng pizza bangi. jangan blacklist name oshinz because i'm concern about little thing like that. customers always right. ssoooo ssooorrrryyy!! [",] lalalala...

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tiptoes to royale chulan

aritu at previous entry, oshinz ade story yg oshinz lepak kat royale chulan kan.. do you still remember? so today i would like to share certain pictures so that you get the idea about how was that hotel looks alike.. *haha.. baru sekarang nak kecoh letak story yang da lapuk..* sorry update picture lambat-macam-siput-tapi-siput-lagi-laju since baru ade mase utk transfer pictures from camera to lappy. hectic tau!

actually, ade keje kat sini. some of them buat module, lecturers buat editing and tulis chapters dalam buku, wani and oshinz wat profiling respondents and so on. kami stay sini 3D2N and time ni mmg cukup makan.. serious!! haha.. breakfast suda tentu.. after dat 10.30 mkn lagi. then lunch pukul 1. next, hi-tea tapi i melantak mcm utk dinner.. then malam merayap cari makanan lagik.. fuh kesian perut proses makanan non-stop. tapi ape2 hal mmg two thumbs up kat makanan die. majority marvelous!! yumm yumm yummmyyyyy..

pastu nak tambah lagi two thumbs up kat environment hotel ni. konsep kat sini ade ciri2 tradisional melayu dari segi ukiran, name, background music kat cafe and whatnot.. maybe sebab beside kompleks kraf kot.. tu psl ade penekanan tersebut. it just my assumption. dan yang paling penting ialah hampir kesemua kakitangan kat bleh dikategorikan sebagai mesra sbb murah senyuman.. *thumbs up*  daripada akak vakum habuk sampai la ke manager. sennnyyyyuuummm memanjanggggggg!! *tak penat kot..*

cume kat sini kalo nak gune internet or wireless kena purchase. no money no internet access.

that's all for now... [",]
[meeting room]


[ladies room]

[lepaking area]

[event decoration]






to get further information about Royale Chulan Hotel please click here
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eaauuww.. hot la kamu!!

oversized sunglass mmg diakui hot item musim ini..

dengan melihat mereka yg hot ni
makin tambah hot bile
pakai hot item must have

tros rase mcm..

mao grab satu!!
dengan tiga sebab kukuh..

[sunglass bleh protect mata daripada sinar UV]
*ini fakta..sila percaye*

[bleh cover bile ade dark lines under eyes as well as eye bags]  
*time tu muke ugly betty 100% lg cantek.*

[bleh reduce kesilauan melampau bile drive]
*mate passenger yg dok seblah driver tu pun kena protect gak.. btol tak?*


in short,
even tak drive memane kreta pun stakat ni..
kalo rase nak grab juge
tak salah kan?

bukan mao jadi hot seperti mereka..


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please don't!!!!

aduan pertama:
greasemonkey masih lagi xbleh fix with my blog..
oh man..
abesla script yg ade dlm list tu!!
tak best btul..

aduan kedua:
ape perasaan anda bile....

situasi pertama:
anda tegur kawan
[dengan tujuan nak beramah mesra..]
well~~ org melayu
biaselah kan..
even dah nampak orang tu bersungguh sental baju
still lg mau tanye
"basuh baju ke?"
haha.. okeh slalu je buat gitu.
*back to the story..*
tibe2 org yg anda tegur tu wat slumber
mcm anda x cakap ape2 pun ngan die.
"hello cik mannequin.. anda tidak dengar kah??"

situasi sebenar:
sblom ni kitorang takde ape masalah pun!!
okeh je..
what's wrong pun tak tau.
"eh cik.. kamu sakit kah?"


ape perasaan nak rase ni??!!

aduan kedua:
tiada aduan lagi la..

situasi kedua:
perlu ke situasi kedua?

moral value:
personal problem is yours..
be professional la beb!
takkan smpai sanggup wat tindakan
yg bleh guris ati kawan sendri kot.
sendri mau ingat ah..
yes i knew it is a small matter
but please don't ya.
coz kdg2 tu i tersentap lebih skit okeh!!
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