
mencari idea dulu

sorry guys~ saya takde idea nak tulis. so.. layan tag je dulu eh?
tag daripada roziahmad dan syida shukor

Apa benda paling penting dalam hidup korang?
emm.. manusia dalam family, kawan baik saya dan ehem.. en. pakwe saya. ya saya tau. manusia bukan benda. tapi manusia adalah benda paling penting dalam hidup saya.

Benda terakhir yang korang beli guna duit korang?
donuts dari big apple.

Di manakah tempat korang akan langsungkan perkahwinan korang dan apakah temanya nanti?
kat rumah kot. tema pelangi boleh ke? haha. belum pikir la tema apa. any suggestion?

Adakah korang sedang bercinta sekarang?
sudah semestinya.

Berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang?
kalau dia sanggup mengahwini saya dan terima saya seadanya.. insyaAllah saya akan sayang dia sampai bila-bila.

Dimanakah korang selalu jumpa kekasih korang?
kat mana-mana pun boleh. selalunye dekat mall la. tempat standard orang bercinta.

Novel/buku/majalah terakhir yang dibeli?
rasanya macam majalah EH! kot. haha. sorry tak hengat la.

Apakah nama penuh korang?
SHMZZ.. nama penuh tak perlu la eh. panggil saya oshinz je.

Antara mak dan ayah, mana korang lebih mesra?
emmm.. dengan mak kot.

Namakan orang yang betul-betul korang nak jumpa dalam hidup korang?
nak jumpa arwah mak dengan abah. rindu mereka sangat-sangat.

Adakah korang basuh baju korang sendiri?
kalo kat kolej. memang la kena menenyeh baju sendiri. tapi kalo kat rumah. campak je dalam mesin basuh. but ade gak some garments yang kena basuh ngan tangan sebab takut rosak. ehehe.

Dimanakah tempat yang betul-betul korang nak pergi?
paris! venice! haha.. okeh dalam mimpi.

Pilih salah satu, peluk atau cium?
haha. tak tau la. peluk kot.

Beritahu 3 benda tentang orang yang tag..
die dah ade pakwe tapi tak nak ngaku.
die kurus keding.
die minah sempoi kot?

5 benda yang paling disayangi dalam hidup ape eh?
family. en. pakwe. bestfriend. harta benda saya. blog ni.

Lagu yang paling suka dan selalu dengar?
adinda-lah ahmad

Bila tarikh lahir dan kat mana korang sambut tahun lepas?
duapuluhempatdisember. kat rumah kot?! haha. rasanya macam kat rumah la.

*yang bold tu match dengan saya.
my personality:
i’m loud.
i’m obnoxious.
i’m sarcastic.
i’m cocky.
i cry easily.
i have a bad temper.
for the most part i don’t like people.
i’m easy to get along with.
i have more enemies than friends.
i’ve smoked.
i’ve smoked weed.
i drink coffee.
i clean my room daily.

my appearance:
i wear makeup.
i wear a piece of jewelry at all times.
i wear contacts.
i wear glasses.
i have braces.
i change my hair colour often.
i straighten my hair often.
i have a piercing.
i have small feet.

i’m in a relationship now.
i’m single.
i’m crushin’.
i’m in love.
i’m always scared of being hurt.
an ex has physically abused me at least once.
i’ve told someone i loved them when i didn’t.
i’ve told someone i didn’t love them when i did.
i’ve been in love more than two times.
i believe in love at first sight.
i believe lust is more important than love.

i have a best friend.
i have at least ten friends.
i’ve gotten a phone call in the last 48 hours from a friend.
i’ve beaten up a friend.
i’ve been in a serious fight with a friend.
i can trust at least five people with my life.

i’ve been on a plane.
i’ve been on a train.
someone close to me has died.
i’ve taken a taxi.
i’ve taken a city bus.
i’ve taken a school bus.
i’ve gone bungee jumping.
i’ve made a speech.
i’ve been in some sort of club.
i’ve won an award.
i’ve spent 24 hours on the computer straight.
i’ve been in a physical fight.

i listen to rnb.
i listen to country.
i listen to pop.
i listen to techno.
i listen to rock.
i’m one of those people who play songs repeatedly until i hate it.
i hate the radio.
i download music. 
i buy cd’s.

i spend at least six hours a day watching television.
i watch soap operas daily.
i’m in love with days of our lives.
i’ve seen and liked the o.c.
i’ve seen and liked one tree hill.
i’ve seen and like americas next top model.
i’ve seen and like popular.
i’ve seen and like 24.
i’ve seen and liked csi.
i’ve seen and like everwood.

family life:
i get along with both of my parents.
my biological parents are still together.
i have at least one brother.
i have at least one sister.
i have at least one step brother/sister.
i have at least one half brother/sister.
i’ve been kicked out of the house.
i’ve ran away from my home.
i’ve sworn at my parents.
i’ve made my parents cry.
i’ve lied to my parents.
i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.
i’ve lied to my parents about what i’m doing.
i’ve lied to my parents so i’d be allowed out.
i’ve walked out when i’ve been grounded.

i’ve been brown.
i’ve had streaks.
i’ve cut my hair in the past year. T_____T
i’ve dyed my hair in the past year.
i’ve been blonde.
i’ve had black.
i’ve been red.
i’ve been light brown.
i’ve been medium brown.
i’ve been blue/green.
i’ve gotten my hair thinned.
i use conditioner.
i’ve used silk therapy.
i’ve used hot oil treatments.
i’ve curled my hair.
i’ve straightened my hair.
i’ve ironed my hair.
i’ve braided my hair.

i’ve yelled at a teacher.
i’ve been suspended.
i’ve had an in-school suspension.
i’ve been sent to the principals office.
i’ve walked out of class.
i’ve skipped an entire day of school.
i’ve skipped a whole month of one certain class.
i’ve failed a test.
i’ve cheated on a test.
i’ve helped someone else cheat on a test.
i’ve failed art.
i’ve failed p.e.
i’ve failed math.
i’ve failed science.
i’ve failed another class.
a teacher has called my parents.
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tema kawin?

pepel pink pun menarik hehhehe

Syida Shu said...

hihi yanggg salahhhh buat !

kita kena bold kan apa yang you rasa kena kat you huu

tapi takpe hihi

oshinz said...

✿ y.a.n.i.e budak G.E.B.U ✿:
emm menarik tu kak. akan difikirkan malam nanti. haha.

Syida Shukor:
haha.. alamak. ok la. i buat balik eh? hahaha.

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

ok kawan2..nak reveal nih..oshinz paling suka dangdut kotttt?
kah3..u kte yg bleh wat u goyang..
kan u kan?
ok sekian..


| CikMatahari | said...

ye sy ngaku saya dah ada pakwe..wakakaka..

oshinz said...

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥:
hahaha. hep hep. nape bocorkan rahsia ni? tak nak geng u ah gini.

| RoziAhmad |:
cepat tunjuk. takkan nak sorok kot?