
of axioo jakarta

 orang update belog, saya pun gatal nak update juga.
tapi saya malas nak taip panjang-panjang.
layan gambar saja yuk..







paling suka gambar ni.. =)

You will look beautiful beyond words to him even in just a simple white dress if you remember to dress yourself with love, to walk in the shoes of understanding, to be covered in the veil of trust and crowned with the jewel of respect. Your inner beauty and confidence will outshine any couture dress-axioo.com

axioo ni based in jakarta. siapa ada bajet lebih bolehlah hire mereka.
sekodeng lagi di sini dan sini.
ohkei bai!!
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Anis izyan Abd Rahman said...

cantik !!!

*tak saba nak tawin @_@

Ms and Mr Red Ribbon said...

followed u :)

Anonymous said...

u mmg suka fotografi eh yunk?

koko cokelat said...

haihhh cik oshinzz dah xlama gayanya nih..hehehe

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

i pon paling suka yang last tuuu :D

sarah mohamad said...

wow! gambar cantik gilerr tapi takde bajet nak hire mereka ni heheh

Unknown said...

saya suka sangat gambar no.2 tu ehehheeeh :)

oshinz said...

Anis izyan Abd Rahman:

Ms and Mr Red Ribbon:
hehehe.. thanks.

Fifi Rahmat:
sukeeee!!! tapi belum ada kemampuan nak beli dslr.

koko cokelat:
lama tak lama kite tengoklah macammane. koko dulu kot.

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥:
heeee... awak tiru kite kew?

sarah mohamad:
yeah.. betul tu. tapi kat malaysia pun ramai photog yg hebat2.

anaztasias nora aira
kite suka semua-semua ni.. =)