
something in september

to the people that i really love;
no matter the situation u were always by my side.

thank you my sweetheart.
thanks for being a part of my life.
thanks for loving me.
thank you so much.

thank you my lovely dear friend.
thanks for being a good friend.
i wanna thank you for being a witness.
thanks for your wishes and doa.
thanks for spending time with us.
thanks a lot.

 and this september,
it is the beginning of a new chapter in our life.
 let's start with "Bismillah hir-Rahman nir-Rahim"..
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SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

terharu sampai dah bergenaq ayaq mata..hikhik

Alhamdulillah..semuanya lancar..
Insyaallah i akan sentiasa doakan u..and semoga u pon xputus2 doakan i..
i just wanna see you happy..
thanks for being such a lovely friend my darling..love ya!

Cik Yanie (",) said...

nape ada 3 orang je..haihhhh...huhu

oshinz said...

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥:
takyah nak bergenang sangat. haha. i pun sangat2 berterima kasih dengan uols yang ada. doakan kami. i pun sentiasa doakan u juga. =) lebiu!!

Cik Yanie (",):
sepatutnya berempat tau dak. u belah kiri tu.. tapi u tak sudi nak mai.. uhukuhuk! ssrrroooottt srreeetttt. *hingus leleh* haha.

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥ said...

lebiu 2!
weh cik yanie tu jgn nak buat pelik ok! hehe
xpa..nanti kena pastikan berempat okeh! yeayy!

oshinz said...

SyAfaWaNi ♥‿♥:
hehehe. insyaAllah dear.. doakan kita semua ada kelapangan tersebut.

Cik Yanie (",) said...

haha mencik!insyaAllah =)