
stail oh!

maaf tesis kerana saya tiada kuasa untuk setia.
lencongan sebentar barang sesaat dua minit kepada belog.
tidak boleh tidak untuk belog perihal yang satu ini.
sila buat tinjauan segera:


suami dan isteri-lah.

 ini bukan shooting filem okeh.. this is real!
ingatkan bila dapat husband orang putih je, kita boleh buat style nikah lain macam.
but these couple, make it happen in the real world.
maksud saya, emmm.. having an outdoor ceremony at bon ton resort langkawi during sunset.
all photos above were taken on their solemnization day.

tokei kudegraphy (kude & ili) tied the knot!!

excuse me for my over excited feeling.
thehe.. macamlah i yang kahwin.
i love to see a couple who shares the same passion and successfully work together as a team.
that's should be the strong reason for me to blog about them.

another reason is;
because of ili's dress.
 front view

back view

less is more, kan?

enough said.

source: link; link.
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Anonymous said...

Mne jumpe couple ni???

Anonymous said...

Oshinz plak bile lgi

Anis izyan Abd Rahman said...

oshinz , anis still jual sugar glider itu , sepasang 500 , anis tak jual sekor2x pada sesiapa yg tidak ade sugar glider , sbb sugie tak kene ade couple , kalau tak diorang commit suicide , so kalau dah ade sugie jantan , anis let go sugie betine rm 250 :)