

tidak perlu bingung.
tidak perlu tanya.
tidak perlu fikirkan.
kerana saya tidak punya jawapan.
kerana saya tidak punya pilihan.
kerana saya tidak punya rasa untuk membuat pilihan.
jadi tidak ada persoalan yang perlu dipersoalkan.
jadi tidak perlu ditepuk dada siapa-siapa pun, untuk tahu perihal jawapan.
hidup saya begini. hidup awak pula begitu.
kita jaga perihal masing-masing kerana cerita kita terasing.
cuma Allah yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk setiap hamba-Nya.

to anon,
for me to know, for you to find out.
i don't know who you are. peace!
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perihal songo


songo tu maknanya angka sembilan. hasil googling, sanga katanya. cousin kata songo. heh.. konfius. perkara kacang pun saya tak tahu. tapi ini merupakan perkara paling kacang sangat nak ingat bagi sesiapa yang tahu bahasa jawa. saya orang jawa. tapi hanya tahu mengira dari siji sampai nanam je. lepas itu, emmmpphhh.. ahhhh.. terus tanya cousin: "weh, lepas nanam ape beb?" "beb, sembilan dalam bahasa jawa ape?" buat malu saudara je. kihkihkih. terus malu nak mengaku asalusul keturunan.

en. pakwe, sembilan bulan lagi mahu cukup sembilan tahun. ehem!! *angkat-angkat kening*

kawan-kawan, cantikkan gambar kat atas ni? bukan saya yang buat okeh. tapi boleh jadi sumber inspirasi kepada sesiapa yang rajinlah. untuk tutorial sila terjah link: tekan sini.

ohkei, bai!
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 venue: menara mustapha kamal in damansara

totally fall in love with this location lepas tengok video walimatul urus lisa & yusry.
gigih mencari di mana lokasi penggambaran.
tapi tak jumpa. heh.. nyampah.
after dah lama ignore. baru tahu rupanya di damansara.

another place that i would love to lepak..
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untuk dia

walaupun lagu ni kategori macam lagu budak-budak tapi saya belasah je dengar hey..
tengok video ni tiba-tiba rasa macam nak tengok drama nora elena balik.
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stail oh!

maaf tesis kerana saya tiada kuasa untuk setia.
lencongan sebentar barang sesaat dua minit kepada belog.
tidak boleh tidak untuk belog perihal yang satu ini.
sila buat tinjauan segera:


suami dan isteri-lah.

 ini bukan shooting filem okeh.. this is real!
ingatkan bila dapat husband orang putih je, kita boleh buat style nikah lain macam.
but these couple, make it happen in the real world.
maksud saya, emmm.. having an outdoor ceremony at bon ton resort langkawi during sunset.
all photos above were taken on their solemnization day.

tokei kudegraphy (kude & ili) tied the knot!!

excuse me for my over excited feeling.
thehe.. macamlah i yang kahwin.
i love to see a couple who shares the same passion and successfully work together as a team.
that's should be the strong reason for me to blog about them.

another reason is;
because of ili's dress.
 front view

back view

less is more, kan?

enough said.

source: link; link.
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sepohon pokok

Suruhlah umatmu menanam tanaman syurga iaitu LA HAULA WALA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH Mengikut riwayat lain, Nabi Ibahim A.S. bersabda, "Sampaikan salamku kepada umatmu dan beritahu mereka, syurga itu baik tanahnya, tawar airnya dan tanamannya ialah lima kalimah, iaitu: SUBHANALLAH, WAL-HAMDULILLAH, WA LA ILAHA ILLALLAH ALLAHU AKBAR dan WA LA HAULA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAHIL- 'ALIYYIL-'AZHIM. Bagi orang yang membaca setiap kalimah ini akan ditanamkan sepohon pokok dalam syurga"-iluvislam
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sumber: link

bagai aur dan tebing. kihkihkih
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ribu mungkin?

terapi saya bila kecelaruan minda:

 berapa ribu kelopak bunga agaknya digunakan..

will blogging back somewhere in july.
i am super-busy right now.

ALERT : mega sale carnival woi..
15 JUNE until 2 SEPTEMBER 2012

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pelakon heibat kembali on august.
heyyo.. tak sabar kot.
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sumber: link
kalau semua perempuan demand macam ni.. pitam tak sang lelaki?
ada yang SPM pun demand lebih kot..
ini baru tahun 2012, kalau tahun 2020 berapa pulak eh?
dunia dunia.. haih.
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calling me sugar

have you ever fed a lover with just your hands? closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted? have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air? have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don't care"? it's only half past the point of no return . the tip of the iceberg . the sun before the burn . the thunder before the lightning . the breath before the phrase . have you ever felt this way? have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone? you're whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone . have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry? have you ever invited a stranger to come inside? it's only half past the point of oblivion . the hourglass on the table . the walk before the run . the breath before the kiss . and the fear before the flames . have you ever felt this way? la la la la la la la la la . there you are . sitting in the garden . clutching my coffee . calling me sugar . you called me sugar . have you ever wished for an endless night? lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight? have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight? tonight . #glitter in the air by pink.

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haih.. zaman sekarang ni, macam-macam hal. tak kira tempat, tak kira masa, jenayah sangat berleluasa. thanks to nanie hussin coz allowed me to share the story about a girl who succeeded in escaping from being kidnapped. hah.. KIDNAPPED. seram noks! here's the story:
30 hours ago, I escaped from being kidnapped
Written by Chin Xin-Ci on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 at 00:39 ·
As I sit here writing this, I am just so grateful to be alive.
To think that 30 hours ago I had a knife to my throat, face to face with the threat of being kidnapped and raped.
It was a Sunday, at 5.22PM. I was alone, walking towards my boyfriend's car in level B2 of The Curve, Mutiara Damansara. He was not in town, and I was running errands with his car. Just as I was putting my shopping bags in the rear seat, the rear car door was slammed against my back, and a meat cleaver was pressed against my throat. A man covered my mouth with his hand, and whispered not to scream. He then shoved me onto the floor of the backseat of the car and waved the cleaver at me, reminding me not to scream. He was skinny, wearing a baggy turqoise blue t-shirt, had a thick moustache and short curly hair, approx 5'8", mid-30s, and of Indian descent.
At this moment, second man appeared. He was also in his mid-30s. He was wearing a red t-shirt, had a crewcut, and was of Malay descent. He grabbed my car keys and demanded for my parking ticket. I couldn't remember where it was. They shoved me deeper into the car, and the Indian man got into the back seat with me, while the Malay man got into the driver's seat, driving us out of the carpark.
I told them they could take everything, just let me go. But at that point they didn't even ask for money. Instead, the Indian man started to make sexual advances. Then it hit me. "Oh my God. Oh my God. This is really happening. I'm being kidnapped.. and I think I know what they want."
From this moment on, there were a few crucial things that happened that I think is the reason I'm alive today.
1. I managed to get into a position to escape.
 When they got into the car, the Indian man had tried to force my body down onto the floor. I knew that the moment I'm on the floor, there would be no chance of escape. So I begged him to let me sit up. I promised him I wouldn't scream or alert anyone's attention. Thankfully, he trusted me, and let me sit up, gripping my arm tightly. Then I told him my arm really hurt and to please not grip it so hard. He loosened his grip.
2. I did not fight for the sake of fighting.
 I was in an enclosed space, with no clear escape route. I would never win in a fight with these 2 guys, especially when they have sharp weapons. Had I fought from the get go, I may not have been in a position to escape. I might've even been knocked out cold, and God only knows where I would be right now.
3. I was lucky and sneaky.
I knew that the only way to escape, was to jump out of the car, even if it was moving. They had locked the car doors. So I leaned back, pretended to scratch my hair, and shakily unlocked the door I was leaning against. I'm so lucky they did not see or hear this!
4. I went 'crazy' at the right time.
And then I waited. I knew that the car would have to slow down outside the parking lot, as it exits to merge with the main roads. The moment it slowed down, I opened the car door and tried to make a run for it. I failed. I kicked my legs out of the car, but the Indian man had managed to pull my body back in. >From this moment on, everything is a blur. I remember the Malay driver temporarily stopping the car, leaning over from the driver's seat and attempting to close the door and pull my legs in. At that point I remember thinking, "Even if I don't get out now, I need to keep the door open and my legs out the door. At the very least, it should cause a scene, and someone would see me. Or, the door might hit another car and they'll be forced to slow down." So I continued kicking. My right foot pushed against the wide-open car door to keep it open. I recall elbowing, struggling, kicking, and even biting. I lost my glasses, and was struggling blindly for my life. At some point the Malay driver yelled, "BAGI DIA LEPAS! BAGI DIA LEPAS!" (Let her go! Let her go!) and the Indian man loosened his grip. I made a jump out of the still-moving car, and ran for my life.
5. I acted in spite of the fear.
My friends said I was brave. But I didn't feel like it. I was quivering and shaking in fear. I was so afraid. I thought I was going to die.  I was weak with fear and deathly afraid. I truly thought "this was it". But I knew I HAD to move. I had to run. Or there would be a worser fate in store for me. While I was quaking in fear, I forced myself to look around and see if there was any way I could escape, or even catch someone's eye.
6. I remembered the people I love.
The only thing that matters when you're faced with potentially horrendous fate, is the people in your life. When I felt the knife to my neck, the first thing I thought was , "This cannot be happening. I must be dreaming." The second? The people that truly matter to me flashed across my mind. It sounds cliche, but it's true. I thought of my parents. My brother. Khailee. Esther. More people. That's all I could think of for a few moments, before I started brainstorming my escape.
I ran towards the Maybank outlet at the Curve. There were plenty of people milling around. I screamed for help over and over again. I was hysterical. I grabbed an older Malay man by his shoulders and begged for help before practically collapsing at his feet.
I will always remember the relief and liberation I felt, running over Mutiara Damansara's manicured grass and into the crowd.
Today, I found out that the entire ordeal from the moment I left the parking ticket payment machine, to my escape, happened in about 4 minutes. To me, it felt like one long nightmare.
We never think its going to happen to us... and then it does. I used to think that this is something that happens only in the papers and to people far, far removed from me. But then it did happen to me. I moved to PJ/KL 6 years ago, and I've spent countless mornings, afternoons and nights at The Curve. When my friends and I were organizing Rock Up! back in 2008, we were walking around the place at 4AM even. It's been 6 years, and never once did I feel that I was unsafe at The Curve. Until yesterday.
I feel like moving out of the country ASAP. Getting the hell out of this state where you hear of a kidnapping or attempted one every month (remember Nayati?), or a snatch theft every week. And yet I'm fully aware of the fact that in another country with more lax firearm laws, they would've been holding a gun to my head, not a cleaver. And that would've been so, so much worse.
I'm Blessed. By God's grace, I am alive and relatively well. And I will live another day to build another cat iPhone app. It just was not my time to go. And for that, I thank God.
I want to share this story with everyone because cops tell me that they rarely get to hear it from someone who escapes.
Girls, be so very careful. Be vigilant, and please try not to go anywhere alone. If you need to walk to the carpark, and you're alone, get a guard to go with you. I was recently told that it's part of their job description to assist anyone if needed.
Guys, watch out for your girlfriends, wives, mothers, sisters and friends. Walk with them, don't take their paranoia or fear lightly. Watch out for them.
And everyone, just watch out for each other. Take care of each other. These things really DO happen. As I ran out of the car, so many people came to help me. Strangers who didn't know who I was, came forward and offered me tissue paper, water, cellphones, and general comfort.
Malaysians, please care for one another. You already do. Just keep on caring. Keep watching out for each other. Don't worry about being thought of as "busy body" or "overreacting". The world can be a cruel place, but all it takes is for people to care for one another to make all the difference.
Best Regards,
Sandra Ong
Export Division
wanita cantik sekalian, please be careful.. walau kamu superwoman sekali pun.
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pertengahan tahun

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